Aussie alpine Frog on the brink of extinction

The corroboree frog With contrasting black and yellow markings, the corroboree frog is an obvious and striking example of the beauty of Australian nature.  What isn't obvious is that it shares with skiiers and boarders an unusual geographic overlap: we are both at home in the Australian alpine environment.  Because these frogs lie dormant beneath …

Jon Hutchins, Hotham CEO: on the challenges of operating a ski resort in the 21st Century

Hotham Alpine Resort, nestled in the Victorian highlands, is clearly an Australian favourite. Boosting average annual snow falls of 3 m, and some of the most challenging and picturesque terrain on offer anywhere, Hotham is an iconic destination for skiiers and boarders alike. In this article, the latest in our 15 minute series, we caught …

Snowmaking: can it save us from climate change?

The bad news With increasing attention on the effects of climate change, and more and more evidence of declining snowfalls, skiers and snowboarders are understandably nervous about the future of snow sports in Australia and abroad.  As kryptonite is to Superman, rising temperature is to the skiing industry.  In 1990, the IPCC (intergovernmental panel on …